ali8430567 You used your hosting account to host a website offering pirated copies of movies.
fghgfu wqqz espkami bamboo2002cn The given account was blocked over a year ago due to multi-account activity.
aner Your account is blocked due you have more than one account (s7, s15). We do not allow the registration of multiple accounts by a single user: the number of available account slots is limited, and this takes space away from others.
damir The reason is visible under SSH, check it.
gkl01 multi account.
MEAIR You have registered more than one hosting account.
freezhou High proxy resource usage.
hehenya High mysql resource usage.
ali8430567 That was definitely publicly available.
unclepear Your account is blocked due you have more than one account (s6, s8). We do not allow the registration of multiple accounts by a single user: the number of available account slots is limited, and this takes space away from others.
kuka The reason is visible under SSH, check it.
yhkz Ivanxuan We do not allow running the application you were using.
hutu By running a service offering pirated copies of movies, you should be aware that it is illegal.
letme No, we will not unblock your account. You were hosting a website offering pirated copies of movies, you should be aware that it is illegal.