admin A correct step-by-step description can be found on the help page. Review it and look for your mistake.
admin Sammy The provided account is not registered with the exact address you used during the forum registration. You didn’t provide any website where you check the PHP version.
admin Sammy $ curl -I https://(URL) -k HTTP/2 200 (...) x-powered-by: PHP/8.3.8 As you can check for yourself on the website, PHP 8.3 is running.
Sammy admin System Requirements: Apache 2.2+ / LiteSpeed 1.5+ / Nginx 1.2+ PHP 7.4.15+ MySQL 5.7+ / MariaDB 10+ Redis 7.0+ PHP Extensions: ionCube Loader curl fileinfo redis opcache apcu gd iconv mbstring sockets zip PHP Functions: exec shell_exec proc_open proc_close proc_get_status popen putenv (PHP 8.1+) Need all this activated in the website
admin Sammy you can check it by yourself: - Nginx, PHP 5.6 - 8.3, MySQL 8.0 redis-server --version to get Redis version. PHP extensions: Allow exec functions: