kopf2024 What you provided is not the full message; you replaced part of it with "-----". We do not allow pirated streaming.
ZaraYuki The hosting account you are asking about is not registered to the same email address as the forum account you are contacting us from. If you have questions about this account, write to us from a forum account registered with the same email address as the hosting account.
Aadmin00 wxxuux Unblocked.
5z75xqfCZdG Can you avoid pasting a predefined response and check the reason for the block via SSH?
Jim8858 The hosting account you are asking about is not registered to the same email address as the forum account you are contacting us from. If you have questions about this account, write to us from a forum account registered with the same email address as the hosting account.
vipba You used the account to host a website that provides access to pirated copies of movies, which we do not allow.
werthyj You were running a publicly accessible WebSSH proxy, which was not restricted in any way.
hyutgt Unblocked.
Saytan The account has been suspended due to abuse.