kopf2024 The reason for the block is different. You can see it under SSH.
Kooky88 Improve your application/scripts. They send too many requests to the "devil" command in a loop.
hello5 These logins from other hosting accounts to your account suggest something different..
koma ellondoa hyutgt Your script/software was making multiple requests in a loop using the "devil" command.
zaneorel hq666 You are not using the hosting account for its intended purpose as stated in the terms and conditions.
Juhao You are requesting an account unlock, but the account is not blocked.
linkt You assisted in accessing pirated movies. We will not unblock the account.
gilesclub lao6 You hosted a website sharing pirated movie copies. The account will not be unblocked.
zhuhuan250 You were running resource-intensive processes, so if we are to unblock your account, you must resolve the issue to prevent this situation from happening again.
@5nDEpAIZw53n luosen The email address you used to register the hosting account is not the same as the one you are contacting us from. For any inquiries, write from the account registered with the correct email address. Turn off AI chat.
tts our account is blocked due you have more than one account (s13 s14). We do not allow the registration of multiple accounts by a single user: the number of available account slots is limited, and this takes space away from others.
yanmin Unblocked.
unclepear our account is blocked due you have more than one account (s6, s8, s12). We do not allow the registration of multiple accounts by a single user: the number of available account slots is limited, and this takes space away from others.
wxxuux Aadmin00 This account has been blocked for over 13 months. What do you want to use it for?
tts The activation link after registering on the forum correctly expires after it has been clicked or after its validity period has passed.