Thank you for the responses I apologize for duplicating my request. I am very desperate, and I think it is important for you to take my situation into more consideration. I know you said this isn't a problem on your side, and I understand my specific situation might not directly affect you, but this kind of problem clearly has affected people on your platform. Judging by the amount of people reporting similar scenarios and the amount of views they receive with similar stories in the comments.
As I mentioned the seller I bought from was a scammer. They went unresponsive and flagged me on the site. I had linked many important things to that mail account when I had it, and my data, property, and security are at risk. Along with that, it is important to mention the seller who sold me the account I mentioned is not following your rules or even the laws of my country, and their behavior is detrimental to this service. It is within your best interest to help people like me because letting these scammers go unpunished is never a good business move. Their actions put people in danger, hurting the integrity of the overall platform.
In the recent post "We need your help!" you're asking for people to send in their honest reviews to help build credibility. If people like me are coming into the site because of similar issues and they see all these other people with the same problem, their honest reviews will say this is an untrustworthy malicious site for cybercrime that actively platforms and protects frauds, scammers, and blackmailers because no one is taking any action against them. I know it is not an easy thing to fix. There will always be people with bad intentions, but if you can at least stop the ones you know are out there, since it will discourage many other bad actors. Stopping even a single scammer is stopping numerous victims. I can say with certainty the person who scammed me has scammed others before and will probably continue to do so.
That being said, I have already contacted my bank and filed a dispute, but my issue is that it was a rather large sum of money I spent, and it isn't something they reimburse without further investigation and review. I once again request that you block this scammer's mail ( so that you can stop them from continuing to sell and pass along an account that might halt the dispute process. The mail also contains some of my personal property and information, which I feel is reason enough to ask for you to block it because I feel unsafe with it on there. By doing so, you are also putting a stop to not only my discomfort but possible future offenses from this scammer as well.
Thank you for reading and once again for responding to my post. I hope to hear from you again, but if not, I wish you and your platform the best.