eli while trying to add a file into my domain's directory instead of the public_html folder I noticed that the only place you can read files from is that folder. is there a way to set up an environment where I can store my SQL credentials so I don't have to for example embed them into my PHP file itself?
admin eli I'm not sure if I understand correctly: the website script should have the ability to read data from the database, but at the same time, no other scripts placed in the website directory should have the ability to do so?
eli admin sorry if i didnt explain my question properly. What i meant to ask is if there is a way to store variables in a seperate file that is not inside of the public_html folder and then access those variables inside of a publicly available file, like you would usually do with a .env file you add to your .gitignore file so you can publish your code without leaking any login data or api keys
admin eli Yes, it is possible to store your environment file outside the public_html. To do so, you need to configure the php_openabsedir option and add the path where the file is to allowed directories. For more information, check out our docs: https://docs.serv00.com/WWW/#devil