mysubcult Hello, need help, i need to run every 1 minute the command: php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/workflow What should i do in the panel of the hosting?
admin Hello, add a cron job: /usr/local/bin/php /home/accountlogin/file/path/cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/workflow Minute/Hour/Day of month/Month/Day of week: Each time Don't forget to change the file path.
admin For this purpose, you can additionally use 'sleep' or 'gsleep' (GNU sleep). You can find suitable examples online.
mysubcult admin I mean, through the admin panel, I can make this task run once a minute, but how can I do it more often?
admin You can't do that with crontab - it's running commands only once per minute. You need to create your own script and run it from SSH.