Hello, i have ssh earlier today in my terminal and it worked fine.
Later, i tried to login with a non conventional UI (not terminal) and i didn't get the prompt for the password, so i canceled the connection.
Now, it seems when i try to connect with the terminal, i don't get the password prompt either.
It seems to loop infinitely.
I'm not sure if this is because the connection has been killed by the client and the server is still waiting for something or if the ip has been banned.
I tried to unban my ip but i have an issue.
When i connect with ssh it uses my ipv4 by default and when i go to the web interface to unban it only shows my ipv6 address.
So i don't know if the ssh server is still waiting for a connection and i don't know for sure if my ipv4 is still banned (seems to be the case).
I would want to know how can i specify the version (v4 or v6) when i unban my address.
Thank you.