warren How to use django to render a html in serv00? I try to code like "return render(request, os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'login.html'))", but it did'nt work.
admin warren First, follow the Django installation guide: https://docs.serv00.com/Django/ After installing look into Django docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.1/topics/http/shortcuts/#example If you got any errors - share them here and we can help.
warren runoneall I have put my html files in public directory, and "render(request, "login.html")" in views.py still can't work, it seems like file can't be found.
warren Why I change the filename from "login.html" to "index.html", my html can be visited but not through django?
admin warren The public directory stores static files directly (without Django). You don't have to use it for static files and can serve them directly through your application.