To help prevent automated registrations, you can use Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform along with its various security features. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Sign Up and Set Up Cloudflare Zero Trust:
First, create a Cloudflare account (if you don't have one) at
Once logged in, navigate to the Zero Trust section under the "Access" or "Security" tab.
Complete the setup to configure access policies for your website and services.
Enable Bot Management:
In your Cloudflare dashboard, go to the Firewall tab and enable Cloudflare’s Bot Management feature.
Set up custom firewall rules to detect and mitigate bot traffic in real time. You can block, challenge (via CAPTCHA), or allow access based on the risk level.
Enable CAPTCHA or JavaScript Challenges:
Under Firewall Rules, set custom rules that challenge suspicious traffic. For example, apply CAPTCHA challenges for registration attempts that show bot-like behavior (such as rapid submissions).
Implement Rate Limiting:
In Firewall > Tools, set up Rate Limiting to control the number of requests a user can make within a certain timeframe. For instance, you can limit the number of form submissions to 5 per minute.
This prevents bots from spamming registration forms.
Apply IP Access Rules:
Under Firewall > Tools > IP Access Rules, block or challenge suspicious IPs or entire regions. You can also whitelist known legitimate IP addresses to avoid unnecessary challenges.
Enable Device Fingerprinting:
Cloudflare also supports device fingerprinting, which helps block devices trying to bypass security measures.
Set up policies that block or challenge devices that repeatedly attempt to register without proper validation.
Monitor Traffic with Analytics:
Regularly check Analytics in the Cloudflare dashboard to review trends in bot traffic and registration attempts.
Use this data to adjust your firewall rules and security settings for better protection.
Partner with Your Hosting Provider:
Work with your hosting provider to ensure Cloudflare is properly integrated and to help block malicious traffic.
Cloudflare’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) can also block known exploits and vulnerabilities, adding another layer of security.
Test and Validate:
After applying these settings, test the registration process to ensure bots are being blocked, and legitimate users can still sign up smoothly.
Continuously optimize based on feedback and data.
These steps will help reduce automated registrations and keep the process secure for real users. Let me know if you need more details on any specific step!