Dear Service Provider, Hello. I would recommend that everyone be audited instead of being in a state of maintenance as they are now. I think you should ban setting up a VPN service, otherwise it will cause the server to freeze unexpectedly (similar to s8, MOTD doesn't load properly, and small git clone projects take a long time). After adding the email change feature, I can't change the email address for my account right now. I've been using it since 2022 and you're still running stably, especially with so much abuse, it's incredible, and it proves that you really put your heart into this free service. But now, because of the abuse of profits by some people, many friends around me who really want to build a website can't do so. I think you're making a little change to reduce the abuse rate. For example, if the registered IP does not match the login IP, the account is blocked, and so on. I'd love to see our free service stay.
I hope you can migrate this registration page to the S7 server, because the of the S7 server and its have been blocked by the Chinese mainland firewall, and those who abuse the service in the Chinese mainland will not be able to legally register your service, I hope that this will reduce the abuse @admin
I hope to take my suggestion, and although my website has been blocked by the Great Firewall of Chinese mainland and I am in China, I would like to thank you for your free service for a long time.
--Early serv00 users