I accidentally deleted the .pydio file, and the backup file is not backed up, and reopening FileManager only shows 502error
Tried getting the .pydio folder from someone else's Serv00 machine, but it has the userFile file checksum in it


    marre Just completely delete .pydiodirectory and check again. Don't create anything.

      I've already delete .pydio, it doesn't work sir

      [xxx@s15]:<~>$ ls -la
      total 711
      drwxr-xr-x     3 xxx 1000    4 19 gru 01:58 .
      drwx--x--x  3411 root         0    3411 19 gru 01:58 ..
      -rw-------     1 xxx 1000  548 18 gru 10:42 .bash_history
      drwxr-xr-x     3 root         1004    3 18 gru 03:35 backups
      admin locked the discussion .