streammax By mistake I started an upload via URL and I exceeded the 3GB threshold. Now I can no longer access the file manager and the site doesn't work.
admin -There is no problem with the operation of FTP or SFTP. The credentials for SFTP are the same as for the control panel, while for FTP, you should use the FTP account credentials created in the hosting account's control panel.
streammax admin but how do I log in and solve the problem with the sftp credentials and where should I log in?
admin I'm not sure if you are trying to log in via FTP or SFTP. I suggest checking the documentation of the program you are using before reporting the issue. You can find it here: It is mentioned, and I quote, 'If it is a special server type like an SFTP server, add the protocol in front of the address. In case of an SFTP server, start the address with 'sftp://' (e.g. s