eudb428 I want to deploy an uptime-kuma using Serv00 to monitor if my website is running properly. Do you allow it?
luluteste eudb428 Tell me if you managed to install kuma, I'm interested in doing the same thing 😊...
eudb428 luluteste luluteste Why can't the latest version be installed ? Saika explained in my blog the reason why I cannot install the latest version. luluteste And how not to use PM2? What to do instead ? Please take a look at this > admin it's preferable to use our Passenger instead of pm2.
eudb428 luluteste You cannot install the latest version, but should install the old version (1.22).Then install according to the Non-Docker method.You can refer to the Saika's blog to install it, but you should be careful not to use PM2
luluteste eudb428 Why can't the latest version be installed ? And how not to use PM2? What to do instead ?
luluteste Ok, but I can't access the blog because my antivirus blocks the site... So could you explain to me the reason?