It would be very nice to have a Laravel deployment tutorial on the documentation.
From my experience, a few key points needed to be adressed:
The public_html directory
On Laravel, the default directory is just "public", so we need to make small changes to change it to "public_html", for reference: https://medium.com/@pixelvars/laravel-change-public-html-to-public-html-the-right-way-496431aed94
Would this be the better approach? is there a .htaccess line that would make it simpler to point to Laravel's "public" folder instead of "public_html" than having to change the source code?
Open Basedir directories
I also need to change the open basedir directiories from /usr/home/USERNAME/domains/DOMAIN/public_html
to just /usr/home/USERNAME/domains/DOMAIN
otherwise i keep getting access errors.
Is this safe? Is there a better aproach to it?
Also, to correctly create the node_modules folder and build the assets, i needed to enable binexec.